@Asker.com peoples, Did you know that We sodaheaders are gunna sodaize you? Turn you into one of us :-)


11 Answers

Betty Boo Profile
Betty Boo answered

We get along great with skunks 

Ha ha

Not Online Anymore Profile

One thing I really like about this site is the way the existing membership here welcomed the masses from Ask. It's apparent while reading random conversations and comments, that everyone has banded together and we all have formed a quality site. Not saying it wasn't quality beforehand, but now we have a large group bringing experience and point of view from The USA, Canada and Australia and merging with a group based in the UK with different ways of looking at things. 

I think it's an awesome thing going on here, and I'm proud to be a part of it.

Cal Sullivan Profile
Cal Sullivan answered

I'd be quite happy if this place became SodaHead 2. At least as long as it's leader isn't going to sell us out like Fef did. Ugh.

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View all 4 Comments
Cal Sullivan
Cal Sullivan commented
Well Fef just a bit ago deleted all posts with links. I know because I was trying to post on one and spit out an error lol. I like Amirite too. I think I might use both sites for the time being.
Woof Woofy
Woof Woofy commented
Fef is a dirtbag. thats why lol. well. im gunna keep using both sites because i like both lots. i hope you and the other sodaheads who join, don't leave :(
Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn commented
We don't mind you people coming to Blurtit at all. Keep it clean and all will go well.
PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I am from both sites. So does that make me a Soda-asker or and ask-head? It has not been a good month for me.

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Rath Keale
Rath Keale commented
Where does the term SodaHead come from? Do original Blurtatians (a better term in my estimation) feel overwhelmed at the migration? I think I'll ask that.
PJ Stein
PJ Stein commented
SodaHead is a polling site that until recently also allowed you to comment on the polls. I liked being able to comment because more often than not my answer was never included in the options. I have lost two of my outlets in one month.
Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Never going to happen ! Once you are here, Ask and Sodahead people become Blurters! If you're on this site then Ask and Sodahead are no longer recognized. Follow the rules and become good Blurters! This is a very clean and friendly site and we aim to keep it that way!

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Wizeold Dogmom
Wizeold Dogmom commented
I promise not to be a pain in the ask.
Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn commented
I highly doubt that WODM ! LOL :))))
Woof Woofy
Woof Woofy commented
LOL. Yeah, we are Blurters now haha. and this question was just a joke. not meant to be rude or attack anyone, it's just funny how peoples from 2 different sites are joining at once.
Chandler Howard Profile
Chandler Howard answered

No, we didn't know sodahead got shut down as well, well most of us didn't

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Woof Woofy
Woof Woofy commented
Well, it didn't exactly get shut down, they just booted their members off the site because of money and greed. they want to be strictly a polling site for major corporations like Fox News and other sites like that. No more members and user base. but they are still keeping our stuff up probably for show and to sell our info.
Chandler Howard
Chandler Howard commented
Fox news? why am I not surprised?
Cal Sullivan
Cal Sullivan commented
It wasn't just Fox News. It was also MSNBC, ABC, CNBC, CNN, etc. Lou Dobbs uses SodaHead polling widgets exclusively on his site. I think the biggest surprise is that their top customer might be ESPN instead of a political company.

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