I've never had a bf. Do you think maybe I'll get one one day?


5 Answers

Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

If you want one, then of course you will! There's nothing stopping you. The only thing I would say is don't go out with someone just because you want to be in a relationship and don't change yourself to try and get a boyfriend. Good luck :)

Kathryn Amis Profile
Kathryn Amis answered

It depends on you.  Are you actively seeking a boyfriend?

When I look around me at couples  - it always strikes me that there is someone for everyone.  It doesn't seem to matter what your size, or shape or age!

If you want a relationship you must first be interested in people. Go where people are and make friends. Out of friendship you can find love - and everyone wants to be loved.

If you are waiting for a knight in shining armour to come sweep you off your feet - well......you are probably in the wrong book! 

Change your story - change your life! Xx

Cyber Tooth Tiger Profile

Yes you can get bf, but you've got to make sure you're comfortable with the guy you choose, make sure he's nice to you, down-to-earth, accepts you for who you are etc.

Shela Zane Profile
Shela Zane answered

Time will take care of everything you will have one. Don't rush things and just have a bf for the sake of having a bf, find someone u like and enjoy being around.

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