How can I stop cussing in my head when I'm mad? I know it's a sin and I really hate it.


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Put a snug fitting rubber band on your wrist and pop yourself with it every time you do it.

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Kk polly
Kk polly commented
During my church camp, each time I had an evil thought, I imagined myself being stabbed. Anyway, something during that time worked. :)
Jenni Surnette Profile
Jenni Surnette answered

If you really want to stop try replacing curse words with normal, harmless words like fudge or fire truck. If that doesn't work try pinch yourself every time you do it or try self motivate yourself to stop by simply saying this: "If I don't cuss for one whole week I will reward my self with a chocolate bar." It doesn't have to be a chocolate bar it could be a trip to the beach or go on a shopping spree etc.

Hope this helps :)

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Kk polly
Kk polly commented
I've learned to switch out some of my curse words. After hearing one my friends say holy buckets whenever she was "cursing", I took it into account. So one day I just sat down and thought of some fun curse words, and I use them all the time. For example: jerkpotato, shootpotato, botherbecucumbers, cucumbers, Just make up your own, and say them often to turn it into a habit; it worked for me.

@jenni surnette
If I tried to do the reward for not cursing over a certain period of time, I'd go crazy.
Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

It's not a sin, especially if you only do it when you're angry and anyway it's only in your head! Stop beating yourself up over something that really isn't bad at all.

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View all 4 Comments
Taylor Brookes
Taylor Brookes commented
Well, if thats the case for Lindsay, I dont think she should worry too much, because she is making an effort to stop I think she'll be forgiven for the occassional slip up. And if it sucks, why do you do it?
Kk polly
Kk polly commented
I meant that it sucks that even what we think could be a sin.
And yes, God will always forgive us. :)
Taylor Brookes
Taylor Brookes commented
Yeah, but its not fair to feel like you've sinned for your thoughts! Why do you think that your thoughts are a sin? Not all branches of religion believe that, so why do you believe that particular one if it sucks so much?
Rosetta  King Profile
Rosetta King answered


Sara Lewis Profile
Sara Lewis answered

Unfortunately it's very hard to stop anything that you think or do 'in your head' as these actions are involuntary, unlike things we say out loud which we have the opportunity to think through and filter.

For this reason, I think it's important not to be too hard on yourself. Personally, I don't believe that cussing, aloud or in your head, is a sin, but if you do I won't argue with your beliefs, but I do think that you shouldn't berate yourself for thoughts you do not act on.

It is difficult to change your automatic responses to things, but you can work on techniques to help you think in a more productive and positive way.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) deals with our responses to certain situations, and works on changing the thoughts that lead to unhelpful behaviours such as anxiety, depression, anger etc. You don't necessarily have to go to therapy to employ these techniques, there are plenty of resources on the internet which might help you to deal with situations- such as when you are mad- better.

Try the Beck Institute for CBT. They have some great worksheets for self-therapy that you can work through.

Kk polly Profile
Kk polly answered

Well for starters, how did those words get in your head to begin with? The best way to stop is by staying away from the bad influences. I find that hard too though. Many of the shows and YouTube videos I watch aren't very G. What I find to be helpful is to just filter it out with new information. I go to church camps where our iPhones aren't allowed, and all the worship songs and healthy conversations I have, cleans out my mind from all the bad language. 

You can practice this at home to though. Try going a week or as long as you can without watching any shows with bad language in it. Substitute it with clean music and maybe some of your childhood shows, you'd like to go back and watch. 

You could also try to control your temper better. Create new habits like counting or crying instead of becoming angry. Whatever works for you. Good luck!

As someone else said the rubber band method can be effective as well.

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