There was a day when this was true but nowadays with the Gay Movement being more open and a lot of guys being sissy girls, I tend to disagree and would actually say the women are taking a more leadership quality in todays society. But as to everything, there is always the exceptions and there will always be a male dominance in the world but its not as widespread as it once was. Happy Holidays
To all the girls and women, DO NOT BE WEAK MINDED! Do not be gullible/naive and don't be weak minded. Many women are going down because of being weak mindedness to men. Do you agree?
How can you tar all women with the same brush? There are many strong an amazing women in this world, some of us have achieved amazing things, often with no help at all from men.
So don't feel too sorry for us as we are making an impact and growing in influence.
It won't be long before most men will have a female boss as we are natural leaders. Look at lions for example.. The women are ones that lead the way, while the males are busy basking in their title "king of the jungle"