What's the scariest thing that has happened to you?


2 Answers

Adila Adila Profile
Adila Adila answered

In the middle of the night...actually it was 3am in the morning, my phone randomly starting to play Westlife...and I couldn't turn it off. So I turned my phone off and the music continued! And I was horrified! So I threw it away, far as possible away from me and it continued, I tried everything, and it wouldn't turn off...eventually in the end I just had to sleep through the whole Westlife album playing before I could sleep again.

Not too scary because... I do the scaring.

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Nickie Wren
Nickie Wren commented
Ha ha! Haunted by Westlife - or is the other way round?!
Adila Adila
Adila Adila commented
LOL I think both!!! But...I was kinda freaked out...thought it was some ghost that clearly loves Westlife! :0 haha
Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Growing up in Italy, a car I was sitting in got attacked by a gang of neo-nazi thugs armed with hammers and bats and stuff... That was pretty scary.

Luckily, the car started up (after choking for a bit) and we managed to speed away. The car got pretty badly smashed up though, and it belonged to my friend's dad, so he wasn't very happy about it.

Another time, I woke up in the middle of the night to thick smoke in the street outside. At first I thought our house was on fire, but it turned out an unhappy customer had set fire to the "massage parlour" on the corner.

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