Absolutely not,is my opinion. I personally believe God ordained marriage to be ONE man and ONE woman not two of the same kind! It was Adam and EVE not Adam and Steve! We should not be allowing this in our schools and letting it corrupt our childrens' minds and let them think this is right or acceptable. (whew that got me going.)
Do You Think It Is OK For Our Schools To Include, Gay Marriages In The Classroom Lessons And Take The Class On Field Trips To Gay Weddings As A Lesson?
No, I don't think it's o.k. Sorry, but, first they take religion out, then they put in other religions, and now they are trying to say that being in a gay marriage is acceptable. I am seriously thinking about home schooling Tigger now. Have been for a while. I think it's safe to say that our systems are broken.
I think so, but no doubt, some parent will have something to say about it. Anyways I'm not sure if I'm reliable because I'm only 13. What do I know about this stuff? Lol :)
Absolutely not. Our country is in bad enough shape without destroying it even further by confusing children even more. If gays want to marry/live together, let them do so, but for heaven's sake, leave the children out of the picture.