On an airplane would you sit by a pornstar or a priest?


9 Answers

Jon Cunningham Profile
Jon Cunningham answered
Okay... Well, would get tired of the priest talking all religious on me and a pornstar might be stinky...

I would hijack make the priest sit by the pornstar, hijack the plane, and crash it into a "Build-A-Bear" workshop...

Sisiee Lywood Profile
Sisiee Lywood answered
Well, just being technical here, reasons:
Priest: If we were to crash, I'd be the first blessed by him,
Pornstar: I might get a lil to envolved if you see what I mean....
Tony Newcastle Profile
Tony Newcastle answered
I would sit right in the middle of the two of them; or, I might sit on the pornstar's lap, just to get the priest's reaction. Pornstars are people too, even though they seem to get a lot of stick.
Lexi Profile
Lexi answered
Well I wouldnt really want to sit next to the priset in case he goes on and on with religious lectures (no offence anybody) and the pornstar, well, I wouldnt really want her/him to spoil my innocent my mind=P but tbh, if I was on a plane and those were the only 2 chairs left, id sit next to the pornstar=) teach me a tip or two haha=)
Emiliano munoz Profile
Emiliano munoz answered
In the middle,the priest can video tape
Jon Cunningham Profile
Jon Cunningham answered
Okay... Well, I would get tired of the priest talking all religious on me and a pornstar might be stinky...

I would make the priest sit by the pornstar, hijack the plane, and crash it into a "Build-A-Bear" workshop...


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