I Have A Son , He Is 12 Years And His Penis Is Just 2.3 Inch. What Exercise Can Enlarge My Son Penis ?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Leave your poor son's penis alone. He's still growing and there's no right or wrong size for that! You could do more damage than good by fiddling with it and really, isn't that tantamount to child abuse?

Rather build his ego a bit, tell him he's perfectly normal and let him grow in his own time.

thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
What did you do, get your 12 year old sons dick hard and then put a tape measure against it? Or did you just see him hard and it looked like 2"? Either way, he still has a lot of growing to do. He's probably not going to be hung but he''ll be near average. I was about 4 1/2" when I was 10 or so. I know because a friend of my sisters made me measure it. Now I'm about 7". So he probably will grow another 3" or so. Besides that, from what I hear, women enjoy girth. Length has little to do with it.
Anonymous commented
Have him get sucked by a girl and regular massage his penis or get his penis massaged by girls. Leave hims alone naked in company of girls and see the difference
will ilis Profile
will ilis answered
I'm only 10 years old my penis is only 1 and 1/2 inches  im4'8 and weagh 80 so you can compare us
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Are you sure its not your size? Plus, I'm pretty sure that if you are measuring your son's dick, someone should call child support.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Consider him lucky.  I am 12 and my penis is only half the size of my thumb!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How did you get his measurements, did you have him masturbate so you could check, you should just let him grow at his own pace. After puberty he will probably be around average anyway
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 13 and 4 of my other mates penis r the same I'm 8 inches so I don't think its normal
thanked the writer.
will ilis
will ilis commented
Are you sure how big are you waight and hight im short ps;why do u know your frends size
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He's probably not in puberty yet......I'm 12 and my penis is longer than that
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think you are gay first of all for touching your sons dick your son is gay for being 12 and have a dick that small and I'm 12 and my dick is 6.5 inches long without puberty!

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