There are many ways to find out words using particular letters, there are plenty of "online anagram machines", on web sites such as these you can input the letters from which you would like to find a word and they will provide you with a list of all the words that exist from the selection of letters provided. For the letters I U D N V H S E, unfortunately there is only one answer and it is in the Hindi language and is: Husn Devi. Husn is the physical beauty of some one (however, almost always a female) and Devi means lady. Therefore, when translated into English Husn Devi translates roughly as "Goddess of beauty."
This arrangement can be found by searching on google into gaming websites and forums as this problem is from "Puzzle Quest." People have solved it and answered people searching for help. After a search through Hindi dictionaries the solution is correct.
This arrangement can be found by searching on google into gaming websites and forums as this problem is from "Puzzle Quest." People have solved it and answered people searching for help. After a search through Hindi dictionaries the solution is correct.