What Is The Average Weight Of A Sixth Grade Girl?


33 Answers

lesley louis Profile
lesley louis answered
The average weight for a sixth grade girl depends totally on her height, lifestyle and whether she has reached puberty or not.

Some charts will say that a healthy weight for a 12-14 year-old girl is between six and eight stones. A doctor or a health visitor will check the child’s BMI (Body Mass Index), as this can give a good and accurate indication as to whether she is a healthy weight. BMI for adults is calculated from your weight and height but for individuals aged 18 years and under, a doctor will take into account age, weight, height and sex.

Boys tend to weigh more than girls during puberty as boys increase
muscle mass, bone density and height. You will find BMI calculators online, and
they are extremely easy to use - simply enter the weight and height of the child
and hit enter and the number will appear. If the number is quite high and you
are concerned, it is advisable to speak with a doctor or health visitor as they
will assess the child more thoroughly. Their assessments will also take into
account family history - if obesity runs in your family then the chances are your
children will also have a weight problem, unless of course you tackle it early.

It is not advisable to put any child on a diet, but it is important for children at any age to have a good healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and a fair amount of exercise each day. If you inculcate this habit into your children at a young age, hopefully this will continue throughout adulthood.

Remember not to give your child a complex regarding their weight, so try to make subtle changes. This is also the case if you believe your child is underweight; again the BMI is an important indicator and a doctor or health visitor will help you with your diet and exercise regime.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I'm 11 going into 6th and I'm about 5"2, and I weigh exactly 110 lb. It just depends, it seems like even my friends semi smaller than me are sometimes my weight or even more, and I promise you, they're not fat. I've never heard of 5"2 girls weighing 70-95, so I'm going say thats sorta abnormal. If your like maybe shorter...I would think its perfectly normal. But it depends on the body shape as well. I have thick thighs, a small tummy, but I have been blessed with breasts that I can show off in a bikini. And I guess if you subtract and add all the weight, the average weight at my school would be 90-120
thanked the writer.
Sarah Porter
Sarah Porter commented
I'm eleven and in sixth grade. I am very athletic and play 3 sports. I am 5'4 and weigh 129 pounds. Am I considered fat?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm a 12 year old 5ft 7 and a lot of these estamates are WRONG!!!!!!
It all depends on how TALL you are,family jeans meaning if your parents and grand-parents are large ,and yes muscle WIEGHS MORE THAN FAT.
I'm  a GIRL foot ball player,I'm very active and get my 90mins a day fitness BUT a am 150 but thats all because I have more muscle then fat! So you people who say 70-90 or whatever is WRONG if your strong chances are your 100-170 maybe more but kids our age shouldnt be worrying about how big we are!
Hopefully this helps :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Probably between 85 to 115 depends on how tall you are..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you are going into grade 6 then you should be around 80-90 pounds. If you are less or more don't worry it will all even out soon. For some of the people who say 70 pounds you are absolutely wrong. That is the weight of a grade 3 child. If you are worrying about your weight try a new diet or try to exercise a little bit more. It'll help a lot. Hope my answer helped.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't think about "weight" as much as you think about "inches."  Because muscle weighs more than fat, a person who exercises a lot will weigh more than a person who spends all their time watching TV or playing video games.  But the person who exercises and weighs more will probably have a smaller body (i.e. Fit into smaller size clothing and be smaller when measured with a tape measure -- chest, waist, hips, thighs) than the other person.  Are you eating foods that are good for your body (vegetables, fruit, etc.), or are you eating junk (fast food, potato chips, candy, cookies, etc.)?  These issues are more important than what you weigh.  And the next time you go in for your annual check-up with your pediatrician, you can ask the doctor if he/she thinks you are an appropriate weight.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm going into six grade and I weigh 113lbs.I'm 5'4
Jocie Weems Profile
Jocie Weems answered

haha, I'm in sixth grade (girl) and I'm 5'8 and weigh 120... I think I'm medium Dx Does anyone know if that's normal? Theres a pic  - v

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, it pretty much depends on how tall and athletic you are. If you are athletic, muscle weighs more than fat. I am in sixth grade, 4' 10'' and I absolutely love to do sports and I weigh around 80 pounds. If you are bigger though no worries because I am rather petite.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well me myself I am in eighth grade and weigh only around 73 pounds witch is really bad for my age my doctor told me that my bone age is two years behind I haven't even started puberty yet so if this happens  to you don't worry there are others like you!
.................... .................... Profile
I'm very fat I know I am but I don't get I eat like other "healthy girls" in my class (most of the time) my exercise is awesome what do I need to do I am 5 ft 2 and weigh 184 as I know I'm tall. How can I lose weight. PLEASE HELP ME and I live in one of the most healthiest states in the u.s. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME PLEASE HELP ME
thanked the writer.
heather hutchinson
You should really try Weight Watchers! It so TOTALLY works! I promise! I am in the 6th grade and in the begginging of the grade i was 150 and now I am 110! And I feel awesome! I used to feel as though I used to HATE my self! I didn't even want to go to school because I got made fun of so much! I hoped this helped...oh yeah for exercise you should join "Curves" with your mom that really work too! And I lost 40 pounds in like 4 months! I now I REALLY WANT TO KEEP IT OFF!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should probably weigh around 88 pounds....thats how much I am and I'm going in 7th
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know...I'm going into 6th grade and people say I'm fat...I don't feel good about myself I don't think I'm that fat though I'm...about 4'9 or 4'10 and I weigh 85 lb...do you think I'm fat?
thanked the writer.
Paige Steinbauer
Paige Steinbauer commented
No!!!!! Seriosly!!! You are going into sixth grade!!!! I'm a girl going into sixth grade and I'm 95 pounds!!! In my class thats not fat OF COURSE I' m 5'5 but you are absolutly fine and not fat!!!
Jaiden Ferguson
Jaiden Ferguson commented
No way i don't think you're fat. I'm in sixth grade and my height is about 5'6 and i weigh about 113 pounds. I get teased for being fat, but all my friends say i am slim but i feel ok about my self.
Shark Lover
Shark Lover commented
U are not fat at all, in fact I think that u should gain some weight.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am in sixth grade and I weigh around 95. I guess thats average. In third grade I weighed about 80 to 85 pounds. I guess I grew because I was in the 80's range in fifth grade =S
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think its around 70 because I am in the sixth grade and I weigh 70 and my weight is like between 5 and 6 do you think I am skinny
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am a 6th grader and I weigh 85 , I think an average 6th grader should weigh 80 between 100pounds
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would say between 88 to 99. I am in 6th grade and I weigh 92 pounds and people tell me I look skinny! :) (:
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm going in da sixth grade and I weigh 104 pounds and I'm 5"4 I think I'm fat but its about an average of 95-100
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 3ft5 and am in the sixth grade.my six yr old sister is 5ft6 and can beat me up.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
NO!!!! Stop whining all of you and do a BMI test (Body Mass Index) most of you are under weight.just google "kid's BMI test" and you will see.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think 90-100 is fine you shouldnt be worring about your weight as long as you eat healthy foods
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
That will depend on your age and height. Normally a sixth grade girl ranges from 9 to 12 years of age. You need to see the weight chart for girls but in my opinion, 75 pounds is a reasonable weight.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I have who a friend is smaller than me and she is 60 lbs. Is that abnormal? (I'm 74 lbs)

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