Describe The Ways To Share Information About Observations With Parents?


5 Answers

Shane Richardson Profile
Sharing information about observations of a child with his or her parents is a good way to make the parents feel more involved with their child’s learning. Maximising the dialogue between parents and teaching about their learning can help provide a two way flow of information run between the two environments. Teachers can share information about the observations they make of the children during school time via a number of different methods. These include diary entries, videos, photographs or simply communicated verbally. These methods can also apply to parents wanting to share any information about observations they have made about their child at home.

It is possible for the teachers to meet with the parents at regular intervals to communicate the information that they have collected. Some of these sessions will take place with just teachers and parents. In these sessions they can discuss the child’s progress both at home and in the classroom and find ways to enhance and improve development in both environments. Parents may be shown videos of their child’s behaviour in the classroom as a stimulus for a starting point in discussion. The parents are able to watch their child at work and play and comment on the progress as they go along.

Many schools who are trying to boost a parent’s involvement in their child’s development suggest a range of ways that they can make observations of their child at home. Bringing this information back into the teachers allows it to be discussed by family workers and team planners. No judgements will be made of the child, the observation notes will simply be used to help determine future activities based on the child’s interests and learning style. Adapting activities to suit a child specifically can help enhance his or her learning and make the parents feel more involved.
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Describe the ways to share information about observation with parents
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Anonymous answered
Identify ways to obtain information about particular disabilities and special educational needs
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Anonymous answered
Open door policy
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Check the diary your child brings home. Any relevant information written down . Coffee morning, open evening to discuss your childs work

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