What Is The Safest Way To Do Sex Without Using Condom & Do Not Get Pregnant?


3 Answers

Umm. There is no safe way to not get pregnant having sex. Lol. Its bound to happen if your not protecting yourself. The only way to not get pregnant is to not have sex. But if you should choose to have sex with no condom, you need to take other extra steps to make sure it doesnt happen. For one- you need to be on bc. At least thats some form of pregnancy prevention. Pre ejaculation can still get you pregnant- so the pull out method is not effective. Its only like 75% if that. But just to take the other 25%, tell him to pull out. Its better then busting the while load you know. Be careful and protect yourself. The best way it to use bc and condoms. That would be the smart thing to do if you don't want to get preggers.
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Anonymous answered
There is only one way to be 100% sure your not going to get pregnant and that is not to have sex but you should use a condom

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