The best way to find out which school your child will attend is to call the school’s district office of the city you live. Once you have told them your address, they should be able to tell what your options are regarding schools. The decision is made after reviewing the attendance boundaries which is a complicated system but ensures pupils are evenly spread across all the local schools. Attendance boundaries can be revised, particularly when new houses are built in the area. Alternatively, you could contact all three schools directly as they will be able to tell you exactly who is able to attend which school. Children are allocated a ‘home school’ and in some cases there may be the opportunity to select a different school but places are usually limited. is a great website to check to find out which school your child can attend. Simply enter you zip code, city and state, district or a school you would like to search and you will be provided with a list of possible schools. There is also plenty of advice on this website regarding choosing a school and what you should be looking for when you visit a school.
There are often a few documents needed when enrolling a child in a school. These include proof of address, A Certificate of Immunization, possibly a copy of their last report card and possibly their official birth certificate. If you have the opportunity to choose which school your child will attend, there are few things you should look out for. These include class sizes which are ideally under 24, a broad curriculum which offers plenty of sports, arts, drama and extra activities out of school hours, a parent-friendly environment which involves parents in decision making and also offers variety and freedom for your child. Your child should have some input in the decision so think about their needs and take the time to talk it through with them. is a great website to check to find out which school your child can attend. Simply enter you zip code, city and state, district or a school you would like to search and you will be provided with a list of possible schools. There is also plenty of advice on this website regarding choosing a school and what you should be looking for when you visit a school.
There are often a few documents needed when enrolling a child in a school. These include proof of address, A Certificate of Immunization, possibly a copy of their last report card and possibly their official birth certificate. If you have the opportunity to choose which school your child will attend, there are few things you should look out for. These include class sizes which are ideally under 24, a broad curriculum which offers plenty of sports, arts, drama and extra activities out of school hours, a parent-friendly environment which involves parents in decision making and also offers variety and freedom for your child. Your child should have some input in the decision so think about their needs and take the time to talk it through with them.