
What Are The Good Benefits Of Test Tube Baby?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Advice for having test tube baby
enelra Go Profile
enelra Go answered
The good benefits is that it can solve the problem of the couple if they don't have an ability to bear a baby.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Women who have a problem getting pregnant due to a lack of healthy sperm from the man, or uterine problems that don't allow an egg to attach to the wall of the uterus thus become impregnated, or ovarian cysts (fairly common) might not release an egg or the fallopian tubes may be obstructed and will not allow an egg to be dispelled into the uterus are all reasons that a couple may go to a doctor, have an egg or eggs removed and introduce the man's sperm then can re implant the fertilized egg into the woman's womb.

Benefit being, now one can have a child when before they could not. If you mean to know ethical benefits that would constitute a debate not a question. One that I would not be willing to venture into.

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