Olivia, you need to work on your self-esteem. There is someone for everyone. But it doesn't always happen lickity- split.
Ugly is a state of mind. Be kind and caring of others and yourself and you will find someone. And sex for the sake of sex isn't very satisfying. Having sex with someone you have an emotional connection with can be amazing.
Pick out your most beautiful physical asset and dwell on that.
Make up does wonders. Get a professional make up done. A lot of cosmetic retailers will offer that for free. Pay attention and learn their techniques.
Confidence is very sexy. Work on your esteem.
I think everyone has a beautiful feature that is special for them. Could be as simple as sparkle in the eyes when smiling.
no your not ugly.
Get yourself a dild0.
I think you need to stop obsessing about the way you look and getting a boyfriend.