Hungry Hungry Hippos!!!!!!!!! That game drove me nuts, especially when the two younger kids thought the wife and I couldn't hear them playing at 2AM.
For the parents who had kids with noisy toys, (or kids put yourself in your parents' shoes)... What toy would you like to repeatedly throw against a brick wall?
Do Barney videos count?
Any toy that emits that Frozen song. I get a little annoyed hearing that song. Okay, ALOT annoyed.
I had a hissy fit over legos that I stepped on. Middle of the night, I had already stubbed my toe and BAM! Right on a small pile of legos. I lost it! But lost it quietly as to not wake the newly sleeping baby after hours of screaming!! It's funny now!
all barney vidoes. Should be burnt
Teddy Ruxpin . . .
But I would dive in front of Said brick wall to rescue my coveted Steve Austin, Six Million Dollar man Action Figure!
All of the above, BUT!! We got even.. Bought the grandson a drum set when he was 5 and a keyboard for granddaughter when she was about 4. (gave the grandkids sugar treats every time they visited, and sent them home hyper LOL)
My nephews phone and tablet. Then maybe there'd be peace around here.
Most of the "noisy" toys my kids have/had I grew to enjoy cuz if you heard them in the back ground you knew where the child was at all times! LOL! Now my husband is another story..... Loud shoot em up video games drive me INSANE! I can not hear myself think OR parent! GRRRR! XBox for sale! Comes with a million games! Any takers!?!?!? Ahhh heck I will gladly GIFT wrap it and mail it to ya! PLEASE take it!!!! I have pawned his XBox TWICE and the dang thing keeps coming back! And it brings MORE GAMES with it each time!!!!! Oh the insanity!!!!
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