Doesn't seem to affect me at all.
When I see a beautiful full moon, I can't help but smile.
It affects me indirectly as my neighbor has two large dogs that are part wolf and they howl loudly at night, lol!
The moon has nothing to do with my mood. However, there are a number of !$#holes that has everything to do with my mood.
Well, apparently the moon makes me sleepy.
---Or maybe the only time I really notice the moon is when I get up to let the dog out in the middle of the night.
I guess I had better think a little more about the question.
I can't point it out specifically but we all affected even everyone here admitting moon has nothing to do with their mood but the fact is mood has everything to do with our mood indirectly.
Moon impress the water waves and the seas and it's ideology, huge percent of human is water including 75 % of the human center of the power, the brain. Moon is part of cycle of mother nature.
Funny you should ask.........
Back in my party days..... The full moon had a strange effect on me..... Lets just say I had a hunger that only my husband could feed! I use to chase him around the house till he got wore out and gave up!!!Β LOL!