What are you thankful for and why?


14 Answers

Jaimie  JT Profile
Jaimie JT answered

I'm thankful for the fact I have a strange (maybe strange? ) relatableΒ  ability to find humour inΒ  pain . Why ? Cos I said so :p

HappyTo BeHereTo Profile

Family, friends, pets, home,

critters, ginormous mountains, prairie grass that looks like the ocean, the ocean..ah heck - nature,

chocolate, home cooked meals, restaurants where I don't do dishes,

babies, music, art, theater, movies, TV, literature, science, math, the village that raises kids

and of course Blurtit. Β 

otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

For all the people who put up with my craziness on blurtit!

Skip  Gentry Profile
Skip Gentry answered

My family, my friends, my dog, and my health. Because without these, I wouldn't have a life.

ly fen chen Profile
ly fen chen answered

Someone who is my best friend supports me a lot, we always together, when she is off work. Further more, there is my family too, specially is my sisters, I am thankful for their concern.

DDX Project Profile
DDX Project answered

My mum because she's my mum. Single parent for most of my early childhood. Collecting food stamps, working long hours, and all that. I remember the car we had was so crappy I had to hold the passenger door closed manually. We've come a long way. She's greatly provided for these days, but she still chooses to work. Probably 2 jobs if we didn't stop her.

Stormy-Lynn Calvert Profile

After the accident, I'm just thankful to be able to walk again! Add to that my supportive family and my dog and I got everything a girl could want. Oh, and ice cream, of course, but that goes without saying :P

Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered

my bed to sleep in. There are some people who don't beds to sleep in and those are the ones we need to pray for. I should be thankful for everything I have because you don't know what you got till it s gone. That's my saying.

3 People thanked the writer.
Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
" . . . you don't know what you got till it s gone." - This is so true Megan. We often let people and things fade to the background when we take them for granted . . . Thank you, for give me a reminder to be especially mindful of those things.
Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

My son, my family, my kitties, my job - I'm thankful I have one and one that has benefits. Finally, my Blurtit family. Where would anyone be without you guys?

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Every one had such sweet answers.........

Soooo I am gonna go outside the box......

My answer is I am thankful for POLES, TABLES, HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS, OTIS'S SHINE and of course HIPPY'S PIZZA! Oh yah and Hippy's swim shorts! That answer made my day!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

I am very Thankful, and it is directed toward people in my life directly responsible for so many wonderful things.

Answer Question
