Sorry, but I don't have a worst enemy and I don't believe in having enemies. Life is too short to have enemies. Enjoy everyone as much as you can. You may dislike someone or something but don't make them an enemy.
Drugs and alcohol
Cold weather and snow!
Austin Powers!
He upsets me to no end.
Cara Gregg
trolls on the internet
My worst enemy is an enemy of God, "the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan.” (Revelation 12:9)
People around me, there are some of them are so bad, and some are not. So it's difficult to say. Anyway, I know 2 people are my enemies. They are worst for me, and I hate them.
Puking. Dying. Those are my two worst enemies.
Her generic name was “mother.”
She used to tell me I was “my own worst enemy.”
How can one possibly plan and successfully implement anything
when one thinks one continually must seek other people’s approval and / or
perform exhaustive research to minimize the possibility of making a wrong
decision when I seeking to achieve good for one’s self?
While I was healing from the results of that rather serious
wound and the subsequent disadvantage it caused in my life, I thought that
appropriate reward for that lie would be at least an overnight stay in Hell---but
since I was "officially" certified to have overcome my abusive
childhood (neither foot hurt anymore) a few years ago, I have been able to
subsequently forgive her. (As Christ was
able to comment when the Roman soldiers were nailing Him to the cross, perhaps she
too “knew not" what she was doing.)
But, just as everything else in my life has contributed to
what I am; and because I am quite happy with what I have become---although not
yet completely satisfied with my continual progress---much good has come out of
that situation.
Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian.
My best friend’s name is Maddy. I’ve known her for years, and she’s a lot of fun to be around, but I know that she’ll also always be there for me when I need her.
I don’t have a worst enemy. I’m very anti-drama. There’s one person who I can think of (who actually used to be my best friend before we got in a fight) but I didn’t let her make any drama even after she tried, and I really don’t have any hard feelings toward her, so I can’t count her as my worst enemy, or even an enemy at all.
Maybe I’ll have an enemy in the future, but for now, no.