How to motivate oneself please give the tips?


5 Answers

sm cl Profile
sm cl answered

1. Identify your end goal.

2. Identify the smallest immediate step you can take to achieve your goal.

3. Take that step and complete it excellently.

4. Repeat 2 & 3 until you reach your prize

Thrice Gotcha Profile
Thrice Gotcha answered


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Concern Wright
Concern Wright commented
Motivation; By aiming yourself with basic health information can equip and help motivate you to make needed adjustments for better personal and family health.

Keep learning, Public and private institutions in many lands provide educational programs and literature on a wide range of health topics. Take advantage of them, and educate yourself about basic ways to improve your health and to avoid endangering it. Keep an open mind, and be willing to make simple adjustments.

The good habits you learn and put into practice may well benefit you and /or your family. You can always set a good example in regard to healthful nutrition, cleanliness, sleep habits, and disease prevention, everyone would more than likely benefits.

What more is needed? It takes more than self-interest to establish and maintain a healthful way of life. Eliminating long-standing bad habits can be daunting, and making even simple adjustments often requires strong motivation. Even the threat of serious illness and death may not move some to do what they know is good for them. What will? Like all of us, they need to keep in mind a higher purpose, or objective, in life.
The original Hoops Profile

Personally, I know that this can be very difficult at times. The truth is, you can't simply say anything and magically feel better or motivated. It helps to keep a positive state of mind. For example, try to think optimistically about occurrences. Don't get down if things don't always go your way, as life is constantly rotating between the good and bad. If you want to motivate yourself, the best way to do so is by building up the courage and doing whatever it is that you're anticipating. Don't overthink it. Just do it

Linilla Schmidt Profile
Linilla Schmidt answered

Motivation requires extra reserved capacities.

My best advice is: Get a good night's sleep, meaning bedtime latest 11 pm for at least 4 nights of your week.
It's surprising how much extra reserve you get from this one important effort.

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