I fell and bruised my knee. The End.
There once was a place where it never rained !...The End. Jon Voight from the movie : Holes !
My mom told me about an event she heard about. It was storming and it carried away a bounce house with a four year old inside. The parents tried to chase it but couldn't reach it, it bounced the child up a few times (30 feet in the air) and on the 5th time, she fell out. She died because of it, but not instantly.
A friend of mine was playing fetch with her Golden Retriever puppy. The ball was too small and it became lodged in the pup's throat. Despite her panic and attempts to do something, she watched her pet suffocate. The end.
( always dispose of any torn or tattered pet toys )
Yesterday I was so sad, I ate 5 butter flaky biscuits with 🍓 🍓🍓jam.