Why do chicks always like douchebags?


5 Answers

Shinypate one Profile
Shinypate one answered

Why do guys chase loose women? It's much the same reason, they like the excitement of a person who is up for anything. I cannot say I endorse it, as the tactic seems self defeating.

Megan Alves Profile
Megan Alves answered

Who says that's true? Maybe it's only the girls you know...most of us want to be with a guy that has respect and is good looking and faithful. Is that so much to ask?

Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

What makes any guy think calling females "chicks" is acceptable? 

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It's acceptable where I live. The term is thrown around lightly often to describe a good looking women. I guess it depends on where you live. I've never heard any of my female friends get offended from that.
Cookie Roma
Cookie Roma commented
It's certainly acceptably by every misogamists everywhere and all the females who allow them to define their world.

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