Are plastic toys ok for a baby?


3 Answers

Darling Divaa Profile
Darling Divaa answered

As long as they are not small enough for the baby to swallow. Just make sure it says on the package what age group the toy is for before giving them to a baby.

Isabella White Profile
Isabella White , baby phototgraphy, answered

Instead of using plastic toys, choose natural toys made out of solid wood which has a non-toxic value.Toys that are made out of fiber, such as cotton, especially organic cotton, wool or hemp, or toys made out of bamboo can be really nice choices.

Riya  Loke Profile
Riya Loke answered

Plastic toys are safe but its should be BPA, PVC and Phthalate Free. The best option is go for natural toys like wooden toy, blocks, trains, dolls....

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