
Is it legal to hire a prostitute in Las Vegas to have a threesome with my wife?


5 Answers

carlos Striker Profile
carlos Striker answered

Difference between animals and human needs to be figured out.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

You will need to hire a prostitute.  Prostitution (including brothels) is legal in a few counties in Nevada, although it is not legal in Las Vegas.  Hiring a legal prostitute has benefits.  First, they are more likely to not have an STI as they are required to have health checks.  Second, they will not be underage.  Third, you do not want to get arrested and charged with a crime.

*Always remember to practice safe sex using male/female condoms, disposable gloves, and dental dams.  Considering you and your wife's relationship is no longer monogomous you will want to both get checked for STIs afterwards just as precaution. 

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas, so you shouldn't even consider trying to hire a prostitute while you're there.  Although prostitution is legal in certain places around the world, I think it's immoral, and would urge you not to hire a prostitute in these areas either.

As for the threesome, there are a few things to consider before you try this:

  1. Is your wife comfortable with having a threesome with another woman? You could potentially ruin the relationship if not.
  2. Are YOU comfortable with having a threesome? Likewise, this could be something that ruins your relationship.
  3. If you're both comfortable with a threesome, is hiring a prostitute really the best way to go about this? It's hardly romantic.
  4. There are risks to hiring a prostitute, including the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases.  Do you or your wife really want to put yourself at risk?

If you're certain that you and your wife want to have a threesome, I'd recommend that you choose someone other than a prostitute.  You may have a mutual friend that would be interested. 

There are potential consequences of this, however, and you may create complications within both your marriage and friendship.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous , Las Vegas Escorts, answered

You should enlist a whore. Prostitution is lawful in a couple of provinces in Nevada, in spite of the fact that it is not legitimate in Las Vegas. Employing a legitimate whore has benefits. You must have to know if they won't be underage and you would prefer not to get captured and accused of a wrongdoing.

Never forget to practice safe sex utilizing condoms, dispensable gloves, and dental dams.

You can hire a Las Vegas Escorts from top notch escorts agencies like Fabulous Las Vegas Escorts, Female Las Vegas etc.

Natalie Jackson Profile
Natalie Jackson answered

I guess so, I would go for it

thanked the writer.
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