Can you train a baby to be ambidextrous or is it just an inherited trait?


3 Answers

Dan Banks Profile
Dan Banks answered

Technically yes, you can 'train' a baby to be ambidextrous, but true ambidexterity occurs naturally - although it's very rare. It is estimated that only one out of a hundred people are ambidextrous.

What is Ambidexterity?

Generally speaking it means that a person is equally adept at using both their left and right hand. However, it can be difficult to measure if someone is naturally ambidextrous. Usually there are two reasons why someone may be considered to be ambidextrous:

  • It is relatively common to find people who were originally left-handed but who have since developed the use of their right hand either deliberately or due to learning the wrong way at school, or undertaking a job which involves the heavy usage of the right hand. Left-handed people are far more likely to be ambidextrous because the majority of everyday devices are designed for right-handers.
  • You can also be 'selectively' ambidextrous, such as being able to use both feet equally well when playing football or other sports. Again this can happen by consequence or you can train yourself. This happened to me when I first picked up a pool cue. Despite being right-handed I learnt to play left-handed accidentally and now I am virtually equally good at using both.

Ambidexterity can be taught, but it takes time and will most probably not result in true equality between using both appendages (one will usually be slightly better than the other.) Natural ambidexterity can occur but is very rare.

Adam Slater Profile
Adam Slater answered

Here's some info about brain training for children:

When it comes to brain training for kids, it does offer a whole lot of benefits. And, not many of us are even aware of it. Such forums help kids and ensure that their brain works more efficiently than before. It offers individuals the ability to learn and do things more confidently and successfully. There is no denying that each kid is a genius in his or her own way. There are dormant skills at each one of them. It is through brain training Singapore that kids understand their abilities and utilize them correctly. The sooner you understand that the abilities of every child are different, the easier it is to help your child grow. Each and every child is different and so is the functioning of the brain.

Advantages of brain training for kids

The functions of the brain are nothing but some of the mental abilities. It may involve the ability to plan, manage time and remember every single detail. With the help of robotics classes, kids and seniors can acquire right training for their brain development Singapore. By doing so, it helps them to do the following tasks without any difficulty.

  • Express or regulate emotions.
  • Become flexible.
  • Solve problems easily.
  • Communicate well with others.

These may be the basic functions of a brain, but can have a great impact as far as the abilities of children are concerned. It helps them to excel in all their daily tasks and makes them successful not only in school, but in their career as well.


Steve Gong Profile
Steve Gong answered

I've trained myself to be ambidextrous but I started this project when I was 21.  I certainly do not have true equality between using both appendages.  However, I have found that certain tasks that I've trained my left hand in (I was born right handed) I can now perform better than if using my right hand.  I believe this is due to my left hand being connected to the right side of my brain, and thus would make it naturally better at spatial tasks.  Feeling the size and shape of objects for example works much better with my left hand as is using chopsticks or forks with accuracy.  I believe most people may be overly dependent on their dominant hand, and don't realize that striking a balance can result in some surprising results.

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Melinda Moore
Melinda Moore commented
What made you decide to train yourself to become ambidextrous? I'm curious...and your point about different sides of the brain is very interesting!

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