How Does One Prove They Have A Native American Blood Line?


10 Answers

Matt Domm Profile
Matt Domm answered
Blood is the simple answer. There are blood tests including DNA testing that will prove you have Native American markers. For the scientific community, a blood test or DNA test, whichever you prefer, is enough. Unfortunately, for other requirements such as proving your blood line to a tribe you may be required to show more. It is also true that some government entities such as those in charge of Native American funding for reservations, grants, and more tend to require more documentation than just blood.

These entities like the tribes prefer to see a genealogical connection. Depending on the tribe you may have to fill out numerous forms or you may be able to do it with a few forms. Each tribe is different. Furthermore, each tribe has their own beliefs which may determine what the tribe will accept regarding your proof of Native American blood. In certain tribes medical procedures even blood or DNA are not seen as valid. Instead, these tribes prefer to use traditional methods as proof; therefore, a blood test may not be accepted.

If you have a relative that is on the ‘official’ list of Native Americans and proof that you are related such as photos and birth records you may not have an issue in proving your Native American blood line. You may find you are able to sign up for your own number to go on the list. Depending on the tribe you may be listed as full, half, or partial blood. Someone who is full blooded Native American can still be listed as half blood in some tribes as a penalty for the late recording. Usually, those who have to prove blood line with blood tests are diluted of Native American blood thus it is important for you to apply for the tests and bring any proof you have from your family.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is a test that can help you so there for someone is wrong somewhere. Here is the website to show you what you can do to find out. It is the native american DNA testing project so there for you might want to look into it just so everyone knows you can do this. You might have to pay for it from your own pocket but it is a test that will help you. Hope this helps you out. Search Native American DNA testing project it should come up on google with out any problems.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually, you can get a DNA test done. It cost a lot of money but it's worth it! As a matter of fact, more and more tribes are considering using DNA testing because there are so many people out there who get away with tricking the tribes, who are not even Native American. I come from a Native American family but because my grandmother doesn't who her mother or father are, her, along with her bother, sisters, my mother, my brothers and sisters and have no way of claiming our rights except by skin color and now blood. Some people also have distinct bone structures that can be distinguished to a tribe. My sister has a distinct facial structure, and you can tell she's Cherokee by her cheeks and chin
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Can DNA prove I'm native. Some of my family are in living in Yaqui and apache reservations. Please let me know if I can do something with this thanks angie martinez
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know what you mean, I have sorta the same believe. I am part Native American and I am vary VARY white. People don't believe you at all when that happens, and it happens a lot too. But back to your question. I think you could get a DNA test for proof, so I hope you get them to believe you (=

Best of luck to you! God bless!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A question I have asked many times. I am Native American and was adopted to black parents.It was my grandmother she was 100 %. My mother 1/2 50% and that makes me 1/4 or 25%. It would be likely that my looks have me at least 50%. A lot of trouble and one persons via chat room saying how do you say "Am I sure I am that race". There are so many factors.
Andrea Bohanon Profile
Andrea Bohanon answered
Me and my twin sister are half native american, and its pretty obvious with our features. I now have a son and would like for him to have benefits, is there any way of proving this with out my fathers dna he was native american my mother is irish and german. Please please let me know.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Can DNA prove I'm native. Some of my family are in living in Yaqui and apache reservations. Please let me know if I can do something with this thanks angie martinez
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If anyone knows anything around here. You cannot get a blood test to show native american blood. Don't be stupid they can tell you your blood type, but not what you are. The only thing you can do is look up your ancestry, talk to your family and find more out about your parents blood tribes can help but very limited. If you have other native blood usually tribes will recognize other blood lines. I have this problem as well. Yesterday I was 1/32 short of being an enrolled member and 60,000 richer, today I am 1/64 short 1/2 degree off. There is more research to be done and its there but sorry to say, you have to look for blood not poke your arm with a needle. If it was only that simple
John Nawrocki Profile
John Nawrocki answered
I believe a simple DNA test is sufficient to prove your ancestry.
It might take two tests. One paternal test using your mothers DNA and then one maternal test to show your relationship with your mother. I hope there is some of your mother's material available.

Good Luck.

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