Where Can I Find Trisha Sex Videos?


2 Answers

Joe McHugh Profile
Joe McHugh answered
The following site claims to have Trisha sex videos but you must be aware that it will be fake and is targeting itself on people who have, for whatever reason, decided that watching naked celebrities is the way forward: www.metacafe.com/?m=featured_video
The porn industry is a massively lucrative one because it deals with one of the most basic instincts of human beings �" sex. There are those who believe that watching the productions of this industry is a completely harmless and natural thing to do, while there are others who believe that voyeurism is a seedy activity.

Obviously, there are many levels when it comes to sex videos ranging from the mildly erotic to the violent and debased, and everybody who watches them feels that the ones that they view are within the confines of respectability and normality, and that those who object are the ones with the issues.

Regardless of the reality of that situation, and regardless of the many arguments that maintain that the majority of people who are involved in the actual participation of these videos are manipulated and exploited, there remains the very real exploitation of people like Trisha. By putting herself in the public eye, there are many who believe that she is public property and so they can do as they please with her image.

Unfortunately, Trisha is not the only celebrity to be used in this way. The makers of these videos are not above taking the images of the rich, famous and successful (and beautiful) and incorporating them into their films so that those who lust after them can achieve sexual gratification from watching someone famous have sex. For some, even knowing that it isn’t really Trisha does not matter because the fantasy is all that counts.
Shujing Profile
Shujing answered
The question that you have asked is considered inappropriate for Blurtit.com.
Please ask a new question that is appropriate or search elsewhere.

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