I met a sweetest guy but recently he told me he has herpes. I don't want to cut him off because i really like him and appreciate his honesty. But its scary. Anyone has such experience or dating someone with herpes. I need some advice?


2 Answers

Daniela Paleacu Profile
Daniela Paleacu answered

If you like him, why do you intend to break up with him? If you worried about herpes, it's no need because herpes is a very common disease in America. About 1 in 6 people are living with herpes.

I have herpes and want to let you know that it isn't as big of a deal as it is made out to be. There is a huge negative stigma surrounding the virus. It is more of a nuisance than anything. I got the herpes virus when I was 19 years old, I am 31 now. I have not had an outbreak in over two years, I recently delivered a happy healthy baby vaginally, and no one I have ever been with has contracted the virus. I met my husband over 2 years ago by a herpes dating site

www.PeopleLivingWithHerpes.com . We happily married and only used protection in the beginning of our relationship. Herpes is a virus that is quite easy to manage. I'm sure you already know this but cold sores are a form of the herpesvirus as well. If you have any other questions I would be happy to answer them. Good luck.

thanked the writer.
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
WOW! I can't believe you are advising someone to go get the disease! I am appalled at you. I hope you ARE a troll because at least trolls are suppose to be slimy!
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Daniela Paleacu
Daniela Paleacu commented
Just a suggestion. As for which answer is preferred, who knows.
Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I can not believe ANY ONE would advise someone to go get a disease! Dont take me wrong, IF you already have it then ya that trolls advice might be hopeful TO SOMEONE WHO ALREADY HAS HERPES AND IS ALREADY LIVING WITH THE VIRUS! My advice is this... Go talk to a doctor! A REAL DOCTOR! Not just someone telling you to go sleep with Mr. HERPE and JOIN THE CLUB! I am appalled at the atrocious answer you got from that spamming troll! As a matter of fact I hope you and her ARE the same person playing as two people because I HATE to think someone would be that irresponsible and ignorant and vicious as to advice someone to "go sleep with Mr. HERPE and join their club!"  A REAL doctor is gonna tell you that having unprotected sex can lead you to other deadly diseases then "just herpes!" SMH!

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Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
I think she needs to keep her legs closed... and her mouth cuz I know you are gonna go there to!
Willie B. good
Willie B. good commented
YoWanna, spam alert!!!
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Yah my friend, I see that. I just had to say something in case someone happens to actually be dating a sweet guy with herpes! (Eye rolls) lol!

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