
These annoying girls cling to our group, and all my real friends want to get rid of them but we don't know how?


2 Answers

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

The girls that are being annoying are probably trying to find friends and unfortunately for you, thought you and your other friends would be a good start.

They are being "annoying" because you and your friends have already decided they have no value or worth as friends, so you're probably trying to treat them like crap so they leave you alone.

How sad for you.

Instead of raining on their parade, why don't you guys al walk to the convenience store for a pop and then part ways? It costs you absolutely nothing to be nice to someone.

If you notice one of them is good at something, why don't you encourage her instead of trash talking her? Invite her to join a club at school that will hone her skill. There she will find friends that have more in common than you and your sad friends.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I think you just need to try and find a place without them, they obviously aren't your best friends which means they might not be yours you should politely ask for some alone time with your friends. Then they will be able to find some friends who they want to be around.

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