Should I Lose My Virginity?


15 Answers

brooke moorman Profile
brooke moorman answered
No, keep it and save it for your husband!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
As a 26 year old male, my advice would be to not have sex just because your friends are and you think you should be too. As a teen everyone thinks it is so cool to be having sex, but a few years later in your twenties guys have way more respect for a girl who hasn't been sleeping around since she was 15. Basically I am saying you may be jealous now of your friends but in 5 or years they will be singing a different song and be jealous of you for remaining respectable. I can't tell you how many times I have heard girls say,
carleek owens Profile
carleek owens answered
Do not give it up to him because he's horny! His virginity is already gone and now he want to take yours. Make him wait, if he can't wait than he was never your friend! Why give it up now then be sad later. The way the world is these days you better wait and get a background check on the guy you give up to or just end up pregnant with a disease, it's your choice and I hope you make the right one
Fred Jones Profile
Fred Jones answered
You want this special occasion to be memorable and something you will cherish for the rest of your life. At least that is what I assume as it is most peoples wish. This guy sounds like he will not want the same as he has already been with someone else. He is only looking out for his own wants and desires. What about yours? You say your afraid something may go wrong, like what? Getting pregnant, getting an STD? Those are risks you have to take into consideration as they happen quite often and will change your life forever.

Oh, and once you have sex with this guy and things begin to not work out. Your friendship will end as well. You say he wants to take your virginity away? Or is it that you want ot offer yourself to him. If it is him taking, then you really should consider the answer to be no as it should be more about you giving. Not him taking.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Please don't do this. You will want to save your virginity to be taken away by your husband. I know I'm waiting. It will be even better if you wait for marriage. Please wait.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you want
Karen Knapstein Profile
Karen Knapstein answered
Just remember -> You only have one "first time," and you will remember it - be it good or bad - for the rest of your life.

And there can be serious, life-long consequences even with your first time.
Winter Profile
Winter answered
Well, you only have one first time, so if you want to you should save it for a special person.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't...... Save it because it is your treasure. Bury your treAsure until you are ready to give it to a trustworthy person
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is my opinion. I personally think that this is something you shouldn't just "think" you are ready. You should know. So, my opinion is no you should not lose it just yet. Of course, there will be fear because its something you have never done before. However, I would say that your age does come into play as well. If you are in your teens you should think it through. Not only for the typical reasons of ... Pregnancy... Std's... Etc. But, because having your virginity taken is something that you can not ever get back. And, if ever later you were to think back and say it was a mistake... It can take a huge toll on your self esteem. I am one person that can personally vouch for this regret... Think it through really well. If you have any doubts... Don't do it. If you're getting pressure from someone ESPECIALLY don't do it! Giving in to something so sacred shows a huge weakness, that's the last thing you want to be weak with your own morals and values.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you lose your virginity every time you walk into the house of God he will look down upon you. You and your boyfriend will go to HELL!!! I personally have taken a vow of celibacy and I am finding the experience quite fulfilling although I am allowed to use fruit to pleasure myself. The constant rash from my allergies to pineapples is really hurting my rectum at the moment. I've seen a doctor and he says it will clear up if I stop. My youth Pasteur told me not to stop as this is the only true way to God.
emmanuel osy Profile
emmanuel osy answered
Well, all that you people have said is good but I want to put my own,I've been in love with a girl of 16 and we've friending since 9months ago,and I have not sex her because she is a virgin.She loves me so much and I do so,so I don't want to spoil her even doe people told me to disvirgin her I told them no,b'because we've proposed to each other,and our engagement based on her virginity.
holly patrice Profile
holly patrice answered
Sadly I don't know the full story so I can't really advice what to do I would say if you feel comfortable around him and your emotionally sorted and have proper protection and are doing it in a safe environment you should be fine.

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