Leeches, as well as earthworms and several varieties of worms found in the sea belong to the phylum, Annelids. Unlike earthworms (and their oceanic cousins, too, I believe), leeches latch onto and suck … Read more
I just love learning and noticing things and sharing what I've learned &/or noticed with others. My favorite subject, by far, is animals as I am a true animal nut, but there are other fields which interest me, too. In the summer I can often be found at a zoo near me, where I speak to visitors about the animals there.
I live in the southern US, but not the deep south. I like to enjoy the snow of winter and to sport my winter clothes ...for about 2 weeks to a month, then I'm ready for warmer weather to hit. If I had my way, it would be spring, summer and fall most of the year, with only 2 weeks to a month of winter each year. Oh, and it would only rain between the hours of 10 pm and 10 am the next day. Good thing don't control the weather, eh?
My favorite vacation spots are at or near the mountains, waterways and the beach. My favorite hangouts are the zoo, my backyard, the park, a good restaurant, in front of my computer and at the rec. center or just about anywhere my friends are gathered.
I don't care about celebrities or celebrity gossip. Gossip frankly puts me off. In my opinion, people who partake in it become less grounded, empathetic, outreaching and wise than they are capable of being. When I watch a movie, it is for the story, not the stars. I may have my preferred artists (actors, actresses, singers, etc.) who, in my mind give better performances and/or have a certain charisma, but I am not interested in groupie behavior.
I am more spiritual than religious and am firm on my beliefs. I don't care about converting others, nor being converted myself. I am open to suggestion and new ideas, but more on the details than the general theme of what I believe. I believe in both science and the bible. I see it from an angle without all the conflict. I don't mind talking, even debating about it, but not with people who act rude, childish, condescending or bitter while trying to make their point(s). My beliefs are Christian based, but I don't restrict myself to what most define as "Christian." I believe God is more about love and mercy than politics and rules. I believe in free will, but I define it differently than most.
I have worked in many different fields, perhaps I am a chameleon, but I suspect it is more because I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Or, perhaps I just don’t want to grow up. I have been a studio photographer, worked all aspects of retail, slung pizzas in a pizzeria, driven an 18-wheeler (long-haul/OTR), worked in childcare, worked in a veterinary clinic - both as a secretary & as a vet. tech. (in training), been a trail guide at a (horse-back) trail riding outfit and did my own errand-running service for awhile.
I love to laugh, but I do so more in person that in writing, as it's too easy to misunderstand and be misunderstood on paper or computer screen. I like clever wit, sometimes even sarcastic or mischievous wit (though not when it is insulting to or critical of others).