answered question
True love waits, true love heals old wounds, true love makes you smile in the morning, true love makes love to you. True love cares about your feelings even when they are misguided, true love is patient, caring, loyal, absolute> Above all true love means that YOU can't see yourself w/out your true love. True … Read more
answered question
Run run run away, run like hell !!! This person is toxic. You will end up a battered person. Take my advise weather or not you are in love or not. It does not matter your safety and well-being is first. Please stop going out with this guy. He is trouble. Best wishes (hope your … Read more
answered question
Can I get your number? Just kidding but I know very few man who would jump hoops over a girl they love. So I guess you should just have a heart to heart with her. Let her know marry her or let her go. And also date her for at least one year before you … Read more
It depends why she moved out. If it was family violence? Is she in another relationship? Has she or you used drugs? The only reason this would be to keep her and her kids safe otherwise its abandonment and you can file for divorce because she abondoned your home.but generally abandonment or desertion is found … Read more