T  Ty
T Ty answered Anonymous' question

Being lonely is a feeling that many have occasionally but your perspective will determine how you deal with this. There is a saying that "a joyful heart has a continual feast", really you determine your happiness by your perspective. I hope that you take time to contemplate your daily life and I think you … Read more

T  Ty
T Ty answered Anonymous' question

I am very sorry for your loss.  Death is a very painful enemy but it hurts even more when someone chooses to end their life. In this world, many people have internal struggles that no one knows about but them. Things are not always as they appear, the person may smile and have reasons to … Read more

T  Ty
T Ty answered Hayley Hayley's question

Jealousy is a very common yet destructive emotion. Love and contentment can conquer jealousy.  You have to learn how to rejoice with her as she rejoices over her accomplishments and at the same time not take it as a personal attack on your character.  Jealousy means that you are counting her blessings and not your … Read more

T  Ty
T Ty answered I Am A Nerd's question

I am sorry that you feel lonely. Real friends are supportive in times of distress. They laugh when you laugh and cry when you cry. Maybe you can seek out people your age who can really value you.

T  Ty
T Ty answered Roy Roy's question

There is a saying that "man dominates man to his harm". When cooperation is needed for a common goal people who have more resources, influence, etc often take the lead and the team effort is lost.  People have trouble working together without hurting each other, compeiting, being dishonrst, selfish, etc. This is a global … Read more

T  Ty
T Ty answered Anonymous' question

We should do our best in the workplace but many gauge their success by comparing themselves to others. This is why many cannot work together , they are too busy trying to prove themselves. In school they try to teach us to work in teams so that we will have this skill in the workplace. … Read more

T  Ty
T Ty answered Megan goodgirl's question

I try to follow the advice not to be anxious about the next day because each day will have it's own  troubles. Worrying is a bad habit if done in excess. It can take joy away from  real life by worrying about things that have not happened yet. It is very hard to remember this … Read more

T  Ty
T Ty answered Anonymous' question

Love is based on knowledge. To love someone you have to know things about them and appreciate those things, You can be infatuated with someone, or simply attracted to someone but attraction and infatuation are not love. Love is a powerful and deliberate bond that connects two people. It is also enduring, patient, kind, unselfish, … Read more