Janelle Smith
Janelle Smith answered question
I'm going to have to go with the unknown. A broad answer that covers everything from death, to supposed afterlife, to whats going to happen in our country tomorrow. I don't like not knowing things. Suspense is worse than disappointment.
Janelle Smith
Janelle Smith answered question
As a personal trainer, I don't ever let anyone get stuck on pounds. You should have a fitness professional, or even a good doctor check your body fat percentage. A regular doctor would just do a BMI. That is a really outdated and inaccurate way to get ideal weight. It is true that muscle weighs … Read more
Janelle Smith
Janelle Smith answered question
Is he mobile? If so, water therapy can be good. Very hot baths with jets. Like a jacuzzi. Pain meds are never the answer.  maybe acupuncture? Its not usually covered by insurance, but also not very expensive. Also a hyperbaric chamber restores tissues in the body. That can be costly, but a lot of insurances … Read more