answered question
Since we don't ingest much from chewing gum, I don't see how that can happen.  But anything that causes our bodies to be high in acid can cause cancer, sugars do feed cancers, so maybe because gum either has sugar or artificial sweeteners (both bad) maybe people with cancer should not chew gum.
answered question
I don't think race is a determining factor. I know a lot of white people that are planning to vote for Obama. I won't be voting for him, but it has nothing to do with the color of his skin. I am republican and will vote republican. I think just because Palin speaks to us … Read more
answered question
I have been married for 19 years, breastfed 3 babies. Yes, mine have gone south. I hate bra's I don't wear one at home, unless someone comes over. It's scary, their huge, but I love freedom. I personally don't care how beautiful they can be. I have some beautiful lacy bras, but they still are … Read more
answered question
I feel bad for those parents. You know they want the best for their kids and would give them what they can, but sometimes it more important to keep the lights turned on and the rent paid.  Debossman makes a good point, there are organizations out there to help out, including local ministries. Hopefully, there … Read more
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It has to do with hormones. I don't see why it is thought of as unclean, although it is not attractive for a woman to have a mustache.  Women with a mustache may have an over active gland producing male hormone. They can probably overcome some of the unsightly hair by getting those hormones balanced, … Read more
answered question
I love to drive. Especially through the mountains or in the country when there's not much traffic, so I can see the sights. 
answered question
It's like a slow dance between you and God, because it is that intimate. It's a time when nothing else matters but the conversation between you and your savior. It's a time of thanksgiving, a time of praise, and worship, a time to plea for the sake of others and share your own needs as … Read more
answered question
I use a combination of Burdock, chickweed Whenever I get a risen of some sort. I make a poultice with it in an olive oil base. Use it overnight and it should work pretty fast.  I can't say for sure in one night, but pretty close. Since it is on that particular region you could … Read more
You can take burdock root to help prevent future stye's.  It is a blood purifier, and blood cleanser.  My husband takes it and it helps his keep styes away. Hope this helps.