Bradley  Lomax
Bradley Lomax answered Anonymous' question

Multi level marketing schemes that are run by shysters looking to bamboozle people into buying products and perhaps even to join as a new member into this cult like organisation, often these people make hyperbolic claims about the products and then trap you into buying a bulk amount.

Bradley  Lomax
Bradley Lomax answered Gokula krishnan's question

I would imagine Arabic would be hard to learn as it can be composed of guttural sounds that encompass many of the prefixes and suffixes , so being able to pronounce words what be rather daunting, add on with the different dialects of each region and it might become even more confusing.

Another hard language … Read more

Bradley  Lomax
Bradley Lomax answered Anonymous' question

I remember being very depressed a while back myself a combination of things were angering and depressing me so I took to self harm. I used to cut my arms and chest with a knife. At school it was a common occurrence for me to head butt stuff and pick my forehead apart until I … Read more

Bradley  Lomax
Bradley Lomax answered ZombieE Lee's question

I think the dada movement captured my interest the most in its ways of being anti art and pushing the boundaries  what can be considered art. It inspired the European avant-garde movement at the time and the actual works  have always had a very haunting appeal to me with its visceral, skew whiff portrayals of … Read more

Bradley  Lomax
Bradley Lomax answered Dakota Mackenzie's question

Well I went to school and since its almost summer and I finished all my course work I just went on a computer for every lesson except science which consisted of a quiz it was fun and it made me remember something I forget the name of the DNA structure which was a double helix … Read more