FASHIONIS LIFE thanked Sara Lewis' answer

It sounds as though perhaps your friend has a crush on your crush too...

However! Before making assumptions, I think it would be a good idea to talk to her about this, and ask her how she feels. If she's a true friend I'm sure she will be honest with you, … Read more
FASHIONIS LIFE voted up Sara Lewis' answer

It sounds as though perhaps your friend has a crush on your crush too...

However! Before making assumptions, I think it would be a good idea to talk to her about this, and ask her how she feels. If she's a true friend I'm sure she will be honest with you, … Read more
FASHIONIS LIFE voted up Makaiyla Kaiylamay's answer

That's not a real friend, thats someone who is using you to get to their same crush. If you believe that she is your real friend, tell her how you feel about her doing that, or try to ease the answer out of her. Ex: Say, " I cant believe u dont like him"..." are … Read more