sam rodriguez
sam rodriguez answered question
"Family" means group of people who love and support you no matter what. Most people's family that is mom and or dad, siblings, aunts and uncles, and maybe grandparents. I have those people in my life but the ones I consider family is the close friends I have. They are like my brothers and sisters. … Read more
sam rodriguez
sam rodriguez answered
Family by most people definition is the ones who are blood. The ones who are related to you. My family is my friends and they mean everything to me. I would do anything to protect them. I would die for them. You can think it's crazy but I don't care. They make me feel safe … Read more
sam rodriguez
sam rodriguez answered question
I don't know what religion you are but I believe that GOD forgives you for whatever you've done wrong. If you think being bi is wrong you will be forgiven. I don't think anyone goes to hell for their sexual orientation. You are who you are and GOD loves you no matter what.