sabrina tice
sabrina tice answered question
The same way as any other music would. Country music, like any other music, can be positive or it can be negative. It can be depressing or uplifting. It's a matter of what songs you're listening to and what you choose to take in from them. You can't say that A Thousand Miles from Nowhere … Read more
sabrina tice
sabrina tice answered question
Eat healthy. Small, regular meals (DON'T try skipping breakfast -- starving yourself encourages your body to retain more fat. Get your energy at the start of the day and eat small snacks regularly afterwards). Adding a vitamin supplement may help if you don't have regular access to a variety of healthy foods. And you can … Read more
sabrina tice
sabrina tice answered question
It's natural for people to look when an attractive person passes by. Personally, I don't find it sleezy or uncomfortable when my man looks at a beautiful woman passing by, even if I know he most likely finds her more attractive than me. He is a good, faithful man and I know that I myself … Read more
sabrina tice
sabrina tice answered
SWOT stands for Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat It's a tool business owners use to regularly check their place in the market and make adjustments as needed Identifying strengths can show a business owner what to emphasize in their advertising Identifying weaknesses allows a business owner to change or compensate so a crisis can be avoided … Read more