What do you do if you know something could really change your life, but you're scared of that change? Do you go for it, or keep the status quo?


4 Answers

Nasty Sellerz Profile
Nasty Sellerz answered

Just be true to your heart, life is too short for faking it.

Adila Adila Profile
Adila Adila answered

I've been feeling like this recently and I've let change run free over me , it sometimes changes me for something that I don't like but it's not the change itself that is bad or wrong , it's how you adapt and how you deal with it. You need to think of good coping strategies , instead of focusing on the bad things , think about the benefits and try and overcome the change by becoming 'it'. Become that change...I know this may seem a little confusing but what I a saying is... Go for it! You might not like it , but if you don't like it you'll end up having this change get the better of you and you won't like the consequences , whereas if you welcome this change with open arms whilst at the same time maintaining who you are as a person then the change will adapt around you!

Hope that made sense and good luck with it all! 8)

Adrian Masters Profile
Adrian Masters answered

They say the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over, while expecting a different outcome. If this change will really help you then go ahead and make it. I finally did that a couple of weeks ago and it has been one of the best things to happen to me in a long time. I still find it exciting. At the time I was scared to do it and put it off for close to two weeks.

Rosie Luna Profile
Rosie Luna answered

I'll tell you the way I talk my 5 year old... MAN UP!

I don't sugar coat... no one should.

With that said...  go for it, but do it without fear because having the fear will create a different emotion, maybe even a different outcome.

Go into something and anything with pure confidence!

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