No as 21 weeks is seen as the earliest term a baby can survive and even then it needs intense specialist medical care and attention; which will usually involves staying in hospital for several months before being allowed home.
Can a baby survive if born at 6 1/2 weeks? Can a baby at this point be born and totally normal, with no complications?
The earliest you want to have a baby born is 24 weeks. They have managed to have babies survive earlier than that, but there is often brain damage or problems with the lungs or kidneys or other organs. At 24 weeks your chances go up that it will be ok, but it will be an uphill battle. My little brothers were born at 32 weeks and still had problems such as no sucking reflex (had to be fed with a stomach tube) and problems with his liver and kidneys. My daughter was born at 35 weeks and we spent an extra week in the hospital very lethargic, had to be under the lights because of her jaundice, and she had troubles sucking.