Katie MJ fan
Katie MJ fan answered Adam Groom's question
- Facebook, to keep in contact with friends and family overseas and away from where I live. - Blurtit, to help others in the community by answering their questions and asking questions of my own whenever I need assistance. - Reflex test app, to help with my reflexes, lol - Find my iphone app, whenever … Read more
Katie MJ fan
Katie MJ fan voted up Robin Burden's answer
Will Smith shares the same name as his father Willard Christopher Smith. His mother's name is Caroline. Will Smith also has 3 siblings:
  • His sister Pamela (who is four years older than Will)
  • Fraternal twins, Harry and Ellen (who are three years younger than Will).
Will Smith's family Will Smith's name reveals several fascinating facts: … Read more
Katie MJ fan
Katie MJ fan voted up Rachel's answer
I am in the same situation. My boyfriend broke up with me less than a week ago and now he's already with somebody else! After he said he'd be single for a long time! She asked him out though. I really hope it doesn't last long she's all wrong for him. I truly do think … Read more
Katie MJ fan
Katie MJ fan voted up
What does it mean when you dream about someone you like?

Dreams are common for most people, whether kids or adults. When you dream about someone you like, there's a high chance that you were thinking about that person before you went to sleep.

When you dream about someone you like, this doesn't necessarily have … Read more
Katie MJ fan
Katie MJ fan voted up Jennifer Phinney's answer
The best thing for you to do is try your hardest to move on. My ex left me and I was devastated, but I found me another boyfriend and ignored every conversation that had something to do with my ex. For the first few months I was still in love with him, but after a … Read more
Katie MJ fan
Katie MJ fan voted up mckenna kate's answer
Don't worry, I had a boyfriend who broke up with me. I loved him so much then he found a girlfriend who was a new girl I GOT SO MAD and I just thought that means I'm too good for him I don't need him. God made it so that I should find the guy … Read more
Katie MJ fan
Katie MJ fan answered Selena Ayee's question
It's best if it you just research. I mean, Thank God the internet was invented. Otherwise we'd be spending hours and hours reading nothing but books and eventually find nothing at times. Just search up the information you need based on plays on some search engines like Google, Bing, etc. Of course, if you wish … Read more
Katie MJ fan
Katie MJ fan answered
Michael Jackson was raised as a Jehovah's Witness by his mother....and according to theory, he was KILLED by the Illuminati only because he was 'breaking free' from them. During the Thriller Era, he never realized he was controlled by them....only until the Bad Era he knew what was going on, so he began to make … Read more
Katie MJ fan
Katie MJ fan answered Anisette Rodriguez's question
I'm going to have to agree with Bill Shroyer. This dream of yours definitely indicates you must be stalked in reality or something...or perhaps you've been thinking about this 'scary clown' or anything scary which gave you this dream. I usually get dreams of things that I always think about throughout the day...it happens to … Read more
Katie MJ fan
Katie MJ fan answered Maxine Chan's question
I don't know if this is all true but according to a few theories...Michael Jackson was killed by the Illuminati. Another theory is that it could be due to a few medications...either way he is now dead and we won't ever be seeing him again ): R.I.P Michael Jackson, you will never be forgotten ):