
If A Child Has AB Negative Blood Type, What Type Would The Parents Be?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Can a mother with A blood type and a father with O blood type have a child with AB negative blood type?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have AB-negative.  My mother was A-negative, my father was B+positive.  My husband is A+positive, and our children are A+positive and B+positive.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm also AB - however my mum is O - and my dad is A+
I heard thats not possible??
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have AB + Blood... My daughter has B+... My youngest son has just been told he is AB- does this mean he has to be careful or carry a special card in case he has an accident?

I have a sister who has O- and one who is O+ & our mother died when I was 8 from the Pill so I do not know her blood type, or my fathers.
We look like each other, so why am I different blood type from them?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am AB-negative as well. I just found out my dad is A-negative. Just wondering what my mom's blood type would be since she isn't sure.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Your Mom is a B, but she could be positive or negative.
Even if she is positive she could have a recessive negative that she passed on to you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My son has A - and I have O + what do you think the possibilities of the fathers blood type?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am AB-, my mother is A+ and my father was B-.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If a mother has o negative blood and father has ab negative blood
what blood type would child be?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm A+ and my son is A+, My mother is A+ and my father is AB+ What would my son's father be?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am AB negative and my mom was A+, dad was B+... Paternal grandfather was AB-. It has to do with genetics, the Rh factor. I got the negative blood type from both my parents having a recessive gene for the Rh negative.

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