
What Is The Best Way To End A Love Affair?


4 Answers

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered
Breaking up and moving on can be really difficult. If you care for someone, the last thing you want to do is be the source of that person's hurt. On the other hand, leading them on and dragging things out will just make things more painful and difficult.

To end a love affair, I'd recommend approaching the situation like a dentist removing a tooth, sensitively but firm and straight forward (the use of anaesthetics is optional).

How to end a love affair The best way to avoid a love affair is to be straight with that person. Regardless of what happened in the past, the main focus is the present. The past cannot be changed.

You need to be clear that you want to wipe the slate clean and start over. Hesitating and retracting things will only give false hope. So once you've decided to go through with a break up you've simply got to get on with it no matter how awkward or uncomfortable things become.

Letting someone down gently This is a phrase that people use often when they talk about ending a love affair. Appearing insensitive, cruel or argumentative will only antagonize the situation and make it worse. It's important to be polite, calm, and considerate- even if the situation gets emotionally charged.
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
The best way to end a relationship, no matter what as happened, is to try and be kind. Even if the other person has behaved very badly to you, there is not much point having an argument now: if you start listing all their faults etc, the person may just think that you are still hoping to change them because you want to continue the relationship.

So: if you really are quite sure that it's over, and nothing they can say will change your mind, I would recommend just telling them, in a very calm and polite way, that you won't be seeing them again. Of course it's only fair to explain why, but there is no need to get into an argument - you've probably been through all that already. If you still feel like arguing with this person, maybe you aren't ready to leave yet?

My experience has been that when you are truly ready to go, it's not really a problem - you say what you need to, make any practical arrangements and that's it - you go.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Never do it by text or phone! Be honest and tell her/him your reason!
You will probably get into a fight. Once it is over tell her you wish her luck!
Hope this helps! :)
thanked the writer.
DAMIEN BAKEN commented
Unfortunately, I was on the receiving end of a text from her telling me we were through. I let her know that I won't be seeing her anymore and said goodbye and good riddence. Sorry I didn't let her go months ago.
The Instigator Profile
The Instigator answered
Say 'bye and keep going. If you talk about it either he or she will drag you in again and you'll wind up in the same boat.  If you're engaged, make sure you get the engagement ring back - it's the law.  It was given with the intention of a marriage and if that promise is broken the ring goes back no matter who broke up with who..

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