
Is my girlfriend is in the wrong for not texting first and putting everything for herself then putting me? Do I need a better girlfriend?


5 Answers

Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

Yeah I'd say Your your girlfriend is selfish and inconsiderate, sounds like she only thinks of herself and nothing else...... Maybe it's time you find a new girlfriend one that will put your cry-baby as$ up on a pedestal, one that will only think about your selfish needs 24/7....... Grow up!!!!

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Phil Robin
Phil Robin commented
Let me tell you why we got to an argument and who started it.

I confronted my long distance girlfriend about her not texting me first, I understand that she's busy with her study and her business but she got at me when I should be mad at her. We had a fight, I told her to stop telling people off and fix her family issue. Now she's mad at me, she unfriended me on Facebook after I told her I will delete her phone number. I don't get the fact how she tried to point my flaws. I feel college had gone through her head. I always had to text her first and she always busy with her study and not paying attention to me. So, it is her fault that we are broken up and I'm not happy. I've met this person that found her phone in the park even agree that everything is her fault. So, out of revenge, the person called her online college and reported her for harassment and turned her friends and family against. Now I can't even be happy because of her. I am not a crybaby, you need to call my ex-girlfriend a crybaby. She couldn't handle her family issue. Unlike me, I can handle anything, and she thinks that she's smarter than me because she finishes high school with a high school diploma, went to training school, and she is in college and I never finish I high or get a job.
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
You just proved Willie's point!
Willie B. good
Willie B. good commented
You need to go back to school you pathetic loser!!! and while you're there you need to take a few lessons in grammar, might as well face up to it dude she's just not interested in an uneducated loser like yourself oh and do yourself a favor go get a job, since you don't have a high school diploma you'll be lucky to get a job at a fast-food restaurant and I'm sure you'll still beworking there when you're 45 years old.
Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I think she finally came to her senses and SHE needs a better boyfriend! You seem heartless.

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View all 4 Comments
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Phil Robin
Phil Robin commented
I'm not heartless, she is the one who is got heartless.
Bethany  Cass
Bethany Cass commented
Heartless? Is she heartless? You really got twisted, you brought up her family issue into an argument to yourself feel better because you're not happy.
Bethany  Cass Profile
Bethany Cass answered

I'm glad that she is no longer with you.

LighterMan Down Profile
LighterMan Down answered

You should get someone else maybe.

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