What's one thing you've learned to take as a warning sign in any type of relationship?


9 Answers

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

Unreliability in the most basic things: Constantly unprepared, endless excuses, can't keep their word, always shows up late, disheveled, broke and empty handed.

Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

Subtle at first @@ eye rolls.

Skip  Gentry Profile
Skip Gentry answered

Lies. Even a little white one.

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

Verbal abuse.
I've seen too many relationships start with verbal abuse ... Then get worse and become physical abuse ... Then even murder.

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

Wanting to see my phone to check and see who I've been texting or talking to. Wanting to know every detail of my day so they can keep track of me. Getting angry at inconsequential things. Being clingy. All would be red flags for me.

Twallgirl Wallace Profile

The biggest one for me is lies. When the Devil lied to Adam and Eve it changed the world. When you lie in a relationship it damages trust, love and stability. Three essential elements that are needed to have any successful relationship.

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