
Is it okay for a 15 year old girl to hang out with a 20 year old woman?


3 Answers

Twallgirl Wallace Profile

I'm totally fine with that especially  if the 20 year old encourages  The 15 year old to make wise practical decisions. The bible tells us to widen out in our love, which means that friends can be found in all age groups. It also tells us at Proverbs 18:25 that their exists a friend sticking closer than a brother. So I'm all for it if the two can be positive  and up building

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

Hopefully, one would be able to refer to it as mentoring . . . Good or bad, 5 years is sufficient to produce some rather enlightening "life Moments" that can be a teachable moment . . . AKA "Wisdom".

Michael Poland Profile
Michael Poland answered

All ways clear this with your parents if you can.

Tell them what is going on in your life.

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