
Is my father abusive? He yells, screams, and hits me, usually freaking out over trivial things. Just two days ago, he caught my playing instead of finishing my homework (which is bad) but he pushed me down the stairs and bruised my back with his fist.


8 Answers

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

Yes, that is abusive. Some cultures find this behavior "normal" .. But here in North America .. It is abuse.

Help is Dependant upon where you live. Your mom also has a responsibility to protect you, and obviously has failed to do that ... Possibly because she herself is a victim of his abuse. That's why you need to report this to someone outside of his grasp. Your school, another adult family member .. That's where you go to get help and advise on what to do

Pepper pot Profile
Pepper pot answered

My dad wasn't easy to live with either. Just remember he has the problem not you, and not to emulate him in any way when you become an adult. Sounds like he has no self control but is looking to control others.

Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

Talk to a school councilor or call the police. 

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Addition: He freaks out for no reason. He alienates my mom, acts as if he is the only person that matters and he just generally seems to hate me. I grew up hearing him say words in Hindi, like bitc*, motherf*cker, sisterf*cker (yea it's weird) and b*stard. He (usually every day) is in a horrible mood, and about 30 minutes after he finishes his temper 'tantrum' he comes back, apologizes and seems to be very sorry and apologetic. What do I do? I'm 13 btw.

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