Why does it feel so surreal to me that im back in the 180's with my weight? (over the last 24 months, i've lost 145 pounds). it just doesn't feel real to me at all. about how much i weigh. im happy but it feels unreal!!


9 Answers

Pepper pot Profile
Pepper pot answered

Well Done Skunky! That's an impressive achievement

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Wow, what an accomplishment! Congratulations! From what I have read over the years that is not uncommon. It takes time for mind to catch up with the changes. You often see people who have lost a significant amount of weight wear clothes that are too big for them. It isn't because they can't afford new clothes that fit they just haven't accepted they are thinner, and some are afraid of gaining the weight back, and don't want to have to buy new clothes then. So if you haven't gone clothes shopping recently, go. It will help you see the new you and be more accepting of it.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Magnificent achievement, Skunky. Yes, it will seem unreal for a while but it's a good feeling. You can be very proud to have accomplished so much. It ain't easy.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

THAT is simply amazing...good on you, Skunky Stinkerson!

otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

Skunky that flower. Vegtable diet is paying off good going

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