Are you content?


11 Answers

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

Actually I am very content. Where I am today (physically, mentally and emotionally) is a far cry from where I thought I'd be 50 years ago.

Thrice Gotcha Profile
Thrice Gotcha answered

hardly, but that is the goal

otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

Not really

I dont mind being poor but i cant even afford healthcare thw copay the mrii,s etc so the poor in this country have no healthcare and in criminal court we get screwed over

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

I'm more content than I am discontented. So, yes. I could be improving things which I'm working on!

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Jan,

I am deeply daily sorrowful for all the fear and grief and violence in the world...

However I enjoy my own little life, lovely sunrise apt. In a sylvan prairie town, plus I am going to make a strange new cake from almond meal, six eggs, and two oranges (including peel). I mean, who could not be content with a brand new cake pan such as this one, all the way from China, even a removable bottom?

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